Help rigging a character in weird pose

Okay, this is for game development.

I shouldn’t change the char’s scale (so maybe rigify wouldn’t be suitable?)
I got this model from the devs and they want me to rig it and animate it.
Is it okay to start rigging in that pose? Does anyone have any tips or tutorials that can relate to this situation?

Thank you so much for your attention!

Char model:

Normally you would want your character in T pose, or if you are using Rigify, create the character in typical Rigify, “arms half raised” pose. This is better because you do not distort the shoulders/upper arms as much when you raise them fully. If you look at how MakeHuman builds characters (just Internet search this), you will see the typical Rigify pose. Make sure you apply any scales/rotations/locations you have on the mesh and armature in Object Mode by using CTRL+A => “Rotation and Scale” then repeat for location. It is OK to scale a rig to fit a mesh, but you must apply the scale to the armature in Object Mode before you parent the mesh to it.

Rigging for a game is not something I am familiar with - you might like to ask this question in the Games forum as well.

Cheers, Clock.

PS. Welcome to BA!

I’m surprised they gave you a model in an “active” pose. It would make life a little easier for you if you could get the character in a neutral or even t-pose. It’s already in a deformed state. So you’d probably have to fight a little to get it into a more neutral stance.

What kind of animation is planned for the character? Key-framed by you? Mocap?

Hi guys. Thanks for the help. This is a test to work as an animator. They probably want to see problem-solving skills. I am not sure. I ended up editing the mesh a little bit in edit mode to get it to a more neutral state. Thanks for the help, really!

I had to do this once for a game jam in which the only suitable character we could find was a 3DS Max VRay example model not meant for animation (though fortunately had the perfect number of polys). I had to completely remodel the shoulders and do a lot of manual weight painting. It’s possible to do, but if your devs that made the model are in-house, you should really push them to redo it in t-pose. You can even encourage them by saying most of the hard work is done (some clever proportional editing and vertex pushing can resolve nearly all issues) plus you have a reference pose that portrays a good amount of information of the character’s personality.