HELP! Rigify & Spring Bones

Does anyone know if adding spring bones to a rigify is possible? I’m trying to give my character some dynamics for animation.

If you add it to FK controls it should work. Give it a try.
I’ve done something like that with the Wiggle Bone addon.

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How do you do that exactly?

Do I add the spring bone to the armature and then generate the rig or do I attach it onto the rigify? Or is there another way? :thinking:

If we are talking about Wiggle Bone addon, you would add it to any FK chain in the Generated Rig.
For example, this character has a tail. I can add Wiggle Bone to the FK controls which are the green rings

As for how you do it, you just install the addon, select the bones you want the wiggling to apply to. Then go to the Boen tab and activate Wiggle Bone

After that tweak the settings to achieve the result you want.

Hope this helps!


Ah, thank you soo much! :smile:

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How to do this with new “Wiggle 2”. There is ADDON-window only. Trying to get ears influenced, main bone “ear.R” is selected in screenshot: