Hello, beloved You! How do you all do! Happy to see you again! I need your help to earn a lil bit of sweet and tasty money…! So don’t leave me in shadow of moneyish sun!
I keep recieving one error when I upload backe ocean, and I cant do anythyng(( The render farm is Rebus. Can you provede me with step-by step instruction, PLEEEASE.
Rebus shows This…
Upload of job render_go_2.blend failed:
File not correctly uploaded: path(cfg): /azik/tex/���_������-����.blend, size(cfg): 12709243 - size(real):-2
File not correctly uploaded: path(cfg): /azik/tex/���_������-����.blend1, size(cfg): 12710081 - size(real):-2
Please give GarageFarm.NET Blender plugin a shot. We have experience with ocean cache and it was working well - cache was properly relinked and uploaded.
We have 24/7 chat support, so if you will encounter any difficulties we will be happy to help you solve them.
Did you try asking their support? They should know exactly how the file structure should be uploaded.
Do you require the user to pre-generate the baked symulation folder? Or did you simulated it in-farm?
I ask this because if -for some reason- render files from 1-9 are done, and -something happens to the render- and must be restarted later, how will it continue to render with the continuity of simulation from frame 9 to 10?