I’m trying to model a robot – I started with the torso, and I’m having some difficulty keeping the lines in my mesh smooth (see below, the red lines are an example of the smoothness I’d like). I’d use the smooth tool, but the problem is that I lose my bevelling effect because it flattens all of the angles for the selected vertices, as opposed to just smoothing the selected loop. Does anyone know how I can deal with this issue?
1 - you can use bezier curves with handlea which allow to make curve lines
and you control the curvature of the line with the handles
2 - you for instance use 1/2 or 1/4 circle to make a portion of your curve and you add it up to wahtever you add before
the circle’s portion added will be smooth
3 - or you trace it very carfully so it is smooth
theses are tricks that you learn with time and practice to model things
sse pic of ab arch door that i ddi i started with a circle that i spinned around
to get the shape of the arch above the door
so this started with a circle and a profile that i built very carfully with straight lines and portion of circle