Help-The Modeling Process-I just don't get it I guess XD

Ah, here’s another question that I can’t believe I forgot to ask:eyebrowlift:

One of my biggest thorns in my thy when dealing with Blender is subdividing something. Particularly a plain or a cube.

I just want to split it in half or something but instead, it splits it in half and gives me all these nasty triangles to boot!!:mad:

Any suggestions to get around that or how to work with it?

Will the BMesh system get rid of that problem?



I’m not sure exactly what you mean. When I subdivide a plane or a cube I don’t get any triangles. What exactly do you do when trying to subdivide the mesh?

Subdivided Cube:

Subdivided Plane:

By the way, If you want to only split the mesh in two halves, you should use the loop cut tool (Ctrl+R) rather than subdividing.

That has to do with selection of vertices prior to subdividing - I know that when I used to have a single edge selected, I found that the subdivision worked only on the edge selected and caused triangles to flow back to the other verts in the affected faces. Selecting the entire plane and then W, subdivide, should split it evenly in quads then.

Or, you select two opposite edges on a plane, and it will subdivide the plane in half perfectly.