Help this newbie to understand Cotton Ball material (Cycles if possible)

After studying and training for creating crystal/gems and metals (procedural), the next step of my training is how to obtain a cotton ball texture using procedural means (w/o texture) with nodes in Cycles.

I have already studied the volumetric tutorials of Jonathan and Andrew, both different versions of how to create clouds in BI (clouds not cotton), the first one using a “Cloud Addon” that doesn’t work in Cycles and that has fairly limited customization for the clouds. Checked the forums here and haven’t found anything close to what I’m looking for, and all the little clues I have is “use particles / use fur mod”. I already downloaded the CD to get this one but this cotton is already woven! I need something resembling this:
And not this (already woven and clean and way too thick):

I have found this in a website from around 2009 but doesn’t provide any information about how the author achieved the material:

I don’t think fur modifier can achieve this “strandish” texture natural of the cotton (and clouds are not cotton!). Cotton at microscope (leftmost is a seed):
Curiously, the fibers are actually elongated single cells, one of the largest of the plant kingdom apparently :eek:

In a nutshell, the fibers are interwoven cells, not this: << BBB with overpowered fur mod

How do you think it would be the proper way of representing a real-like cotton ball using Blender 3D and Cycles? (I made a traslation of Andrew’s tutorial to Cycles but sadly Cycles doesn’t pick up the render the same way BI does at least for his set up of Displacement Modifiers and such). Me believes the subject is interesting if someone wants to jump in :rolleyes: