Help to mitre a decretive moulding corner

Hi guys. I’m wanting to mitre a corner and i don’t know which way to go about it. Ill include pictures but my question is quite simple. Basically to avoid the Z fighting i currently have, i want to mitre a corner. Unless there is a better way to do this? Although i do like the idea of cutting the mitre.

I would just move the top face upward ever so slightly as that would keep the joint perfect. However is you see this second picture, id still get fighting here.

So if i isolate the part by itself. This is what i want to try and achieve but it’ll only work at a perfect 45 degree.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks all.

I think Polysweeper addon will help. it is a lifesaver for architects.

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Rotation constrained addon (free) for Blender 2.8+
Basically the script allows a face in edit mode to be rotated whilst contstraining all vertices of the face to movement on only one axis.
You can for example rotate around the y-axis whilst keeping the vertex movement constrained to the z-axis.
Rotation axis: The axis around which the face is to be rotated.
Constraint axis: The axis the vertices are allowed to move in.
Rotation point: The point of the face to rotate around.
Degrees: The degrees of rotation.
Edit Mode > Shortcut: Shift+Alt+R


Great stuff! Much appreciated, will look into both of these things tonight.

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Hi there,

You can solve it without any addons just in Blender.
Watch this vid from 16:54 :blush:

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There is also a transform method in edit mode that’s called “shear”, the shortcut is Shift-Ctrl-Alt-S.
It’s a little tricky to use but when you understood it once it works fine.
You’ll find tutorials for that, when you look for “blender shearing” on youtube :+1:t5:


@DennisR the vid I linked is actually that sheer method :blush:

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Aaah, sorry, I haven’t red the posts carefully enough! :upside_down_face:


It is hidden in the vid :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks guys, have achieved what i wanted :slight_smile: All suggestions helped greatly.