So, I’ve added the image as a texture, applied the texture and material to the plane, and UV edited it, but I can’t get the image to simply show up on the plane.
When I UV edit it with the normal settings (Use Alpha on):
UV Editor Preview looks correct, but…
Please ALWAYS ALWAYS supply your .blend file with your post. We know nothing about your material settings so you are deliberately making it difficult for anyone who may be kind enough to help you.
Important: before saving your blend file pack all textures inside the blend using the File / External Data menu
I have been having weird alpha issues lately too. I think I have tracked down the cause, or at least I can replicate it. It has to do with ‘import images as planes’ add on. My advice to solve your issue. Delete the object, delete the material and texture (shift and click x next to texture name).Save the blend. Close out and open blender again, add a plane (don’t use 'import images as planes) unwrap plane, and wire up the nodes.
The thing is that once you have imported the image as a plane, it is flagged by blender for alpha wierdness, so even if you unwrap manually (after importing in the same session) you need to get rid of that texture.
To reproduce:
Close out blender entirely:
Import images as planes (Add-on), import a png with alpha.
Wire the nodes for alpha transparency.
The alpha/transparency is messed up.
Could someone please attempt to replicate? Win 7 pro.
What that Mix shader setup tells Cycles to do is: “Wherever the texture is fully transparent (alpha = 0), exclusively use the shader that connects to the top input of the mix shader.
Wherever the texture is fully opaque (alpha = 1), exclusively use the shader that connects to the bottom input of the mix shader.
For all alpha values inbetween (0 < alpha < 1), mix top and bottom inputs accordingly.”