Help! White lines appearing in final render on transparent materials

In the pictures above, there are a few white lines on the phone screen. It seems to only appear at certain angles. Why is this happening? It only shows up in the final cycles render. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Attached below is the .blend file.

I cant seem to replicate it, but your HDR isn’t packed with the .blend file either, so its not exactly a 1:1

I didn’t use a HDR for this one though… did you render using cycles?

There is one in the blend file you provided:

Screenshot 2021-07-27 154853

Also, I had to turn off the emission shader to have it reflect what i think is the scene you’re having issues with? Maybe you can upload it w/o all the extra stuff stripped out, with a camera etc where you’re having issues? Otherwise its kind of hard to replicate your exact setup

Yes a stripped down file would be really much better. Just had a short look, but your screens front is a a giant ngon with lots of verts at its rounded areas. That line you see is caused by the implicit triangulation of that ngon. Have you tried triangulating it, or adding more verts at the vertical sides to of the screen objects front to give more options for a better triangulation?

Triangulating did the trick! thank you so much. I’m very new to blender so I’m not aware of the effects of ngons.

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I found the issue, but thanks for the help. Next time i post here i’ll be sure to upload the full packed file. Its my first time uploading a .blend