Help with a more realistic looking car

I’m looking to create a more realistic car model. I’ve been told the current renders look quite flat, and that this could benefit from a HDRI map for more interesting reflections. I’m all for this but I’m having huge problems implementing this, I am far from an expert and the car can end up looking discoloured and warped!!

I’ve attached some files - grateful for any help that can be offered / better ideas


Zenith.blend (2.86 MB)

a lot of the the normals are flipped in the wrong direction. all the parts of the model that look too dark, select all those vertices in edit mode then on left tool bar click shading/uvs and recalculate, or some times flip it.

Also under material you should make something more elaborate for a material. You may want frenel or something in there.
You could either look up a car shader tutorials, or andrew Price’s PBR tutorial on dialetrics (non metals)

hope this helps, made a few changes to the mats and flipped some normals around.

Zenith.blend (2.56 MB)

I played a little bit with your file.
what i did:

  • added gradient to emission shader
  • added some more light sources to give some reflections
  • added HDRi of a Warehouse I found online for free
  • Changed the shader of the carpaint to a PDR Shader (which I am currently using on my volvo project)
  • You also had some of the normals facing in the wrong direction (indicated with a blue tint on the mesh).
    This can also cause weird stuff.
    To fix that select everything in edit mode and press “ctrl+n”, or select everything, press “T” in edit mode, select “Shading/UVs”, press “recalculate” under “normals” (I already did that in my attached file)

You can of course spend a lot more time setting up the lighting, maybe the spot on the front left is too strong, but im no expert either :smiley:

Maybe a brief summary what you could improve:

Happy blending,


Zenith.blend (3.3 MB)