Help with alpha textures...

hi there, I’ve got a couple of funky things going on with trying to use pngs with alpha, the first of which is that for the textures I have personally exported out of photoshop, the edges are solid:

(the image on the left is my quick test, the one on the right is a texture I found online, which appears correct)

I can’t figure out how to save images so that they com in correctly. Things get very weird if the image is multicoloured:

(Cool, but not what I want…)

And then my second problem is that I can’t get even the png which is importing correctly to be transparent through its alpha areas, even though I’ve done it before…

I’m using this node setup:

an ideas?

Does you image have an alpha channel.

For all your questions please supply example blend files with textures

Also the Tutorials forum is for COMPLETED TUTORIALS, not for tutorial requests. Just post in the relevant support forum. In this case moved the Support / Materials and Textures

The node setup looks correct, so my guess is this is an image-source problem…

Hi there,

Sorry I realised I’d posted it in the wrong forum a little while after I posted, thanks for moving it for me…

I managed to figure it out in the end - Basically in cycles, in texture mode you can’t enable alpha, but when viewed with the correct node setup in either material or rendered mode it is fine…