Help with circle mesh


I have created two circle meshes to use as gridlines for my model to make sure everything is perfectly aligned.

But i am wondering how do i fill in the grid lines?

If you look at the screen shot the idea is to make the rail follow the the lines so it stays perfectly smooth and round, but i can’t work out how I am going to do get the rail to bend around the grid lines smoothly =/

How would you do it?


I would reccomend using the spin dup tool to make the cross pieces, and then using the spin tool to make the rails. that would be the easiest, and best way, imo.

Do you know a decent tutorial that explains how that is done ? I’ve never heard of it =/ I’m self taught from pressing things and seeing what happens :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sure it is covered in the basic documentation in the wiki docs, but you can probably figure it out just by experimenting with the settings. basically you just put your cursor at the axis you want to spin around, select the appropriate vertexes and press either spin, or spin dup button.

This might help:

Oh i see thanks renatogsousa!

Though i tried it but i get this result (see attachment).

Curious how on earth Modron managed to get it to join seamlessly =/

EDIT: i attatched my blend file encase you need to check where i went wrong.


spin.blend (555 KB)


What you’ve got there is never going to work because you’ve got a straight bit of track. You need to model it curved if you want it to turn out like Modron’s pic.

Creating it curved was the problem i was trying to work out in the first place though. I tried a path but its nearly impossible to get it to line with my circle grid lines perfectly =/

The way I’d do it would be to make my tracks first, just like you’ve done with you’re guide lines, and then use the spin dup on the sleepers.

Yeh i spin dup’d the sleepers but because my track is straight - the spin dup won’t work untill i curve it correctly but i don’t know the best approach to make an accurate curve for it =/

This is how I did it.

I Made my tracks out of a default circle and extruded it duplicated it and scaled it til got this…

Then I made the sleeper

Note how the sleeper is sitting directly on the x axis and it’s at a tangent to the circle at the point where they touch.

Then I used the spin dup on the sleeper to get this…

Hope that makes sense.

Wait wait -extruding the circle is where im stuck.

Lets say i make a circle and extrude on Y. One half extrudes fine but the other half is messed up let me show you a picture of what i mean (see attatchment).

That was extruding on the X axis - so im little confused how you got it to be uniformly extruded through out the entire circle ?


Press e to extrude then without doing anything else press esc (it stops you from dragging it). Once you’ve done that press s to scale it out (or in).

here’s the blender wiki on the spin dup tool. maybe this will help.

Genius! Thats what i was wanting to do! Thank you !

btw I started with a single tie, not a section of track, sorry if that was not clear.

Oh i see - i was a bit confused :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the help though everyone!

You’re welcome :slight_smile: