Help with cloth simulation

Hi guys,
I have a question regarding animation.

What I have here is a cloth simulation that I want to be like this on final animation(fixed) And I have a character which have some movement, and I want to be animated with cloth as well. And for all of that I want to make animation with camera movement. I have no idea where to start. First I have a basic plane which make cloth, and it is moving all time. I want to be fixed and to move with character. Basically what I’m asking is for tip how to make this workflow and to have a result what I wanted. I’m trying to learn animation in blender, and any tips is highly appreciated! Thank you!

First, you need to add a vertex one vertex on each corner or a line across the top…something like that…depends on how and where the cloth is moving…this group will be used as a PIN to pin it in place (under Shape in Cloth settings)…*see any of the flag tutorials on Youtube on how to do this…to Move with the character you need to use a combination of the cloth sim settings like Pressure and Collisions…

Any of the Youtube Cloth tutorials of the cloth dropping on a ball will get you what to are after…

Thank you for reply! Yeah I was thinking same for PINs. Then pins will stay there, and with combination of pressure for cloth I will get effect something like it is now. Next question is should I run simulation before first frame since I want to have camera movement in scene and to have cloth already like it is in picture now? I’m having trouble to find what would be workflow for cloths when they need to be simulated and to stay like that in place and to have camera movement. If I made myself clear with thoughts here :smiley: Also is there going to be a movement of cloth if character is moving? Basically I’m having trouble to find some “advance” thinking of workflows with cloth and how to get them right with animations like camera movements.

I usually will start simulation in the negative so that it is in full motion by frame 0 and then I can adjust to whatever I need for 1st frame…
? Do you want the character to say roll over and the cloth to follow along? Or are you wanting the character to say roll over and the cloth to just react to the movement ?

Once you get the simulation the way you want it…then I would tackle the camera movement adding keyframes just for the camera with Location and Rotation…

Once you add the collisions to the character ( in the cloth settings ) the cloth will react to the character ( you will need to re-bake the sim )

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