Help With Converting to .STL file for 3D Printing

Welcome :tada:

…please spend a little more time in the forum (or even complete the discobot :robot: tutorial… see your DM or the FAQ to be able to… :wink:
( of course you could also use an external link… but if it disappears no other could learn from this…)
This said…:

So you “original” blend does not have this difficulties ?? Then maybe you have to scale it up ( or down ) because this may be precession problems ??

For example: you applied scale ( Ctr-aScale) …so it has a scale of 1.0 for x,y, z ??

( Also you may have some trouble with 3D-printing later because STL has no real “dimension”… there where some posts about this… you may try the search feature :mag: top right… or ask some more about your specific problems here… )

And… ( as you can see while i was away from keyboard after starting this reply… )… there are other who much more about 3D printing… ( for example the mentioned 3D printing software… :wink: )