Help with curved incline

Im trying to make a curved ramp from one plane to another but I cant figure out a good way to achieve it.

I tried the “Simple Deform” modifier but I dont think its very simple at all, couldnt figure it out.
Then I tried the curve deform but I dont understand how to make it work

Anyone know a good way to achieve a smooth/linear transition from the top to the bottom plane?

You can try “Bridge Edge Loops”:

Select the edges you want to connect, right click, bridge edge loops:

Increase the number of cuts and select “Blend Surface”:

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Thanks for the reply, it did work although the distribution of the lines isnt as tidy as id like.

After some trial-and-error I found a way to get it to work with simple deform performing the best although I dont consider it simple.
Imho the deform modifier needs a rework

Note that for a curve like this it’s best to set Twist Method to Z-up, so it won’t twist when you move points up and down.


Also Curve Deform > Stretch and Bound checkboxes will stretch or restrict the curved object to the exact length of the curve.

PS. another note:

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You could also use proportional editing set to connected to get a nice curve.

Be sure to play around with the “Smoothness” value in the bridge tool. The standard value of 1 is not optimal in this case:

left: 1.0, right: 0.5

This is the best solution, thanks! The “Stretch and Bound” checkboxes are a huge help

I understand you have a solution but also surprised nobody mentioned the screw modifier. Try this quick test with the default cube.

Edit mode:

  • m-key, merge at center
  • g x 3, to move that lone pixel 3 units along x axis
  • e x 2, extrude to a single edge

Object mode w/edge selected:

  • Add screw modifier
  • Angle 90 degrees
  • Screw 2 units (defaults to z Axis)
    (Adjust steps as needed)

This uses the origin as the axis but it is also entertaining to use an empty as the Axis Object so that the ramp can be tweaked by moving the empty along the x-axis.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply! This is also a great solution to the problem, especially since I want a perfectly smooth quarter-circle ramp which this gives me.