Help with Eevee

Good morning,

I am looking for someone who can help me with Eevee. I have finished 3Ds in cycles, but I have no knowledge of how to “convert” those to Eevee and do some animations.

So a person is needed to convert 3-5 3D to Eevee from cycles (materials, lights,…) and a few hours of tutoring.


Hey Dejvil,

EEVEE is designed so that you don’t have to convert materials and some lights from Cycles. You can pretty much just switch the render engine from Cycles to Eevee on Blender 2.8 and your scene should see a good portion of your scene rendered as desired. If you still are having trouble feel free to DM me. I’ll be able to help!


Hello, dejvil. I’ve sent you a PM. Have a nice day. :slight_smile: