HELP WITH GOD RAYS (Using Volumetrics)

Hello, I have been trying to create god rays in blender using volumetrics. I first added a spot light, facing towards the character. I then added a volume scatter node in the world tab, changing the density to 0.01.

The rendered viewport inside looked fine and was about to render the image.

Though, when I test rendered the same area as seen in viewport, it brought up this.

Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated

This is what the rendered viewport inside of blender looks like

This may or not may be what you are looking for but something I have referenced in the past.

I have been following Grant for a while and he has really helped me on certain obstacles I’ve faced.

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Yes, I used that video too. But it also said in the description that it was for evee while I’m using cycles

You may thing about using a Principled Volume shader for the world or an specified object and you forgot to show or tell about your setup.

how many samples are you rendering with? those look like denoising artefacts in the rendered image that are caused by having a too low sample count. You can see that in the viewport it is rendering at 36 samples (in the top left of the viewport)

Oh and i see now you ansiotropy is 0.0 try something more like 0.5. And now i also see (top left) there is Node named Principled Vo… but anyway no complete setup visible.

The samples were first at 300 when rendered. I then upped it to 500 which made some improvements but still wasn’t enough. I then added a cone to become the volume scatter where the light is and also changed it so it will use the CPUto render it instead of the GPU/graphics card.