Help with Hand and Arm rig in Sleeve

Does anyone have experience creating a good hand/arm rig? I used Rigify for my previous project but the arm didn’t work the way I had hoped. I want to be able to twist the wrist of my model without the sleeve (clothing) twisting. The twist must happen along the forearm, not at the wrist, for the arm to look natural. But the sleeve must not twist like the forearm does.

Has anyone made a good rig like this?

I haven’t made a character rig like this, but you would achieve this by adding a new bone at the wrist that does not inherit rotation from the hand or forearm bone, but does inherit location. You can then assign the sleeve end vertices to this bone rather than the hand hone. Now when you rotate the hand or forearm, the sleeve bone will not rotate and therefore the end of the sleeve will not rotate. When you move the arm, however, the sleeve end will move with it.

Hope this helps you, I have used similar techniques in some of my mechanical models, where I don’t want a rubber sleeve to rotate when the shaft inside it does. Just make sure when you parent the sleeve to the armature that none of the vertices in the sleeve from elbow to wrist are assigned to the forearm bone. You could always correct this by weight painting if required.

Cheers, Clock

Thank you :slight_smile:

Rigify is already set up to do what you want. What you need to understand is how the two bone deformation system works.

The top bone should be treated like it is double it’s length. In other words, the full length of the original bone. This weighting will make all of the x and z rotations look right. The second bone gets painted so the twisting (local y axis) of the leg/arm/whatever looks good when your rotate on that axis. It often has a very strong influence at the end, tapering to a very small influence towards the top bone.

In your case, you would add zero influence to the second bone of your sleeve. This will cause it to rotate and deform in x and z, but not y.

Top bone should look like this.

Second bone should look like this.

To do what you want, paint the top bone like this.

And remove all the influence from the second bone. (It should be all blue. Can’t upload another image.)

Good luck!