Hi guys
So I am trying to create terrain in blender then import into unity but failing totally. Anyone have a upto date (2.7+) tutorial link for doing this o r can explain the steps if they have time.
I tried to follow a tutorial that then exported as a raw map which turns into 100 toothpicks.Where do i set the heightmap resolution.
Steps i did
created a material made shadeless.
Created a texture.
Selected blend
selected vertical
selected color clamp left color black but alpha changed to full 1
changed x,y,z all to z
pressed N and put in dimentions for some reason its in 1000’s is that for metres? does not say what the unit used is(is this where the heightmap resolution is if so i need to make it 513x513 would that be 513000x513000?)
then exported to unity where it becomes a row of toothpics regardless of what the terrain is.