For some time now, I have been trying to model one of my original characters. I am currently working on modeling her head. I am using a body-proportions calculator I found online to help with giving her the correct proportions related to her height (5 ft, 2 in). I am also using a couple reference pictures for what look I am aiming for - with some modifications on my side later on. The current state of the head I have finished so far is before shaping her face.
What I did so far was add a subdivision-surface modifier to a cube, used the calculator I mentioned above to resize it to the head for someone of my character’s height, and move around some verticals to get it to its current shape. I am posting here because I am unsure if the way I am modeling my character’s head is the correct way to do it and want feedback. I would appreciate any feedback that’d help improve my skill at modeling heads, such as pointing out areas I need to fix and how I should fix them.
Blender refers to a file on your computer… to pack it into the blend file you can use File → External Data → Pack all into .blend (or just use any common used archiver…).
One way of doing is to start with basic geometry that looks like what you did and use sculpting tools, like what one would do in Zbrush :
Another method is called box modeling, where you start with a cube and add subdivisions while refining the shape :
A third way of doing it is called poly by poly modeling, where you extrude parts of a plan and model bits by bits :
Maybe try first to get comfortable with one of these methods, the first is quite different from the others.
I find poly by poly easier at first but now I prefer box modeling.
By following some tutorials you’ll get a better knowledge on how to start and it will be easier to give you precise answer on specific issues then.
If you plan to model the head like the last two techniques you’ve got too much polygons to start with. It will be painful to manage all this.
I have a small question. When I do attempt to start over and sculpt her head in Blender, does that mean I have to post the head in the support page for sculpting if I need critiquing?
Hum, from what I understand the support/modeling is more about technical questions, but you may want to ask also artistic questions here and that’s fine.
Another option is to post in Artwork/Focused Critiques, maybe latter once you start to get a good result and want to push that further with indepth artistic feedback.
That’s at least how I see it work in theory. Anyway, I think unless you post it in an completely off-topic section that will be fine. And if there is an issue a moderator will move the post to the appropriate category.
I restarted the head and started by using the sculpting tools to shape out the base head. I’ll work on it some more on another day, but here is what I did so far (front, profile, and top views):
I want an honest opinion from everyone who is seeing this if I am doing this correctly; and if I am not, please tell me what I need to work on with improving the shape of the base head. When I start retopologize the head for when I animate her, I wanna give her a heart-shaped face.
Your front profile has a good shape
Your side profile is elongated, more of a triangle than a circle. Your side profile should look something like this:
No, I have not. I have somewhat been following alongside a tutorial of how to sculpt the head. I have tried using a reference picture of a person before; but in order to get the head size in it about right, I usually end up having to stretch out the picture to fit the head size I want. I wanted Joanne’s model to be as proportionately accurate with her height (157.48 cm), so I have been using a human-proportions calculator to try getting her head size just right.
I took your advice and have been using a reference photo I had for the profile view to help mend the shape of my character’s head. There is still I lot I need fixing with her head, but here is what I have finished so far with the profile view’s shape
I can tell the jawline is still need of some work: First, it is going too far in the head, whereas the jawline in the picture you posted earlier goes around halfway instead. Also, the bottom of the jaw rounder than it should be. Those are just the things I can notice at the moment. Are there any other parts I am missing?
Also, here is the reference picture I used for this view in case it is needed:
I would personally not recommend using reference photos with hair, you can’t see the back of the skull that way. It’s also hard to model with a photo like that unless you know the focal length of the photo. (If your focal length in the viewport doesn’t match the photo, your end result will be skewed.)
I would personally recommend using that exact photo I attached as your side reference in Orthographic view, and use your reference photo to clean things up in Perspective mode.
Sculpting a human head is hard, and finding good reference is definitely one of the hardest parts. Keep it up
Okay, that is good to know. I’ll use the photo you posted earlier to make more adjustments to the head on another day and post an updated picture of the modeled head to get your opinion on it.
While looking at the skull from different angles, I do need to work on smoothing out and fixing a lot of parts of it. How did I do this time in sculpting her skull?
There’s another way to start your shape and maybe get it more correct from the get go before sculpting. Just lump a bunch of loose objects together, such as one of the nose, a couple for the ears, and whatever else. the chin and mouth maybe. Then join them all, and give them a remesh modifier, then apply the modifier. You should have a manifold mesh now, ready to sculpt.
To make sure I am not misunderstanding what you are saying, I have shaped out the profile view of my character Joanne’s head just enough for a base head. I do not want to start adding characteristics to her, such as shaping out her cheekbones and adding her hair, after fixing the stuff mentioned before. Am I understanding that correctly?