Here is my first character modelling project. Genie From Aladdin.
After Modelling The Topology of Genie I started to encounter Problems.
I searched the internet about these problems but so far successless.
Especially On The Head I have these ugly Meshes that i cant seem to get rid of.
I had to model the top of the Genies head that akward. If i would have kept the original Meshblocking i would of had “lineartifacts” because of the many edges being so close together.
My Questions are
a.) Are there ways to avoid such “ugly” meshes on such weird shapemodels
b.) Is there smoothing techniques for “meshwrinkles” that dont involve sculpting?and im not talking about the subdivison surface modifer. look at the pears.
If i could get some help or some modelings tips , i would be greatful.
It’s modeling for subdivision surface. The mesh you model is called the control cage, which you make mostly out of quadrilateral faces. On smooth forms the mesh face size should gradually change, or in other words the distance of parallel edges should gradually change, otherwise you’re defining a hard/angular form. On hard corners there are 2, preferably 3 vertices closer together, and on smooth corners they’re futher apart
Mesh topology is built for forms and it also takes other pipeline requirements into account. You haven’t mentioned the modeling target/end use. If it’s going to be animated, it means the control cage needs to be built to support deformations - the vertices and edges you put in it have to support all forms in all expressions and poses just by moving them.
A control cage made for deformation might have more polygons than a static model, so that there’s enough vertices and edges to control the subdivision, while still having enough to keep surrounding geometry intact.
You’ve chosen a difficult subject matter. Your references might only show shapes (2d) if they’re the cartoon ones, while you try to interpret forms (3d) from them. That’s extra difficult since flat shaded cartoon doesn’t show forms. A cartoon might also imply details that are difficult to interpret, such as floating eyebrows without the skin it attaches to following, creating an illusion of hard detail to get the expression. A cartoon can also make extreme deformations very easily, which might be so difficult to replicate in 3d that it needs another model to make the effect.
It’s a disproportionate and stylized human form. You can copy human face topology on most areas.
The pear example shows low poly and a high poly versions, where high poly contains details that are baked on a normal map. The circled leg-body connection doesn’t have anything special, the faces in the control cage support the subdivision like mentioned in the first paragraph, and that results to a clean subdivision.
Concerning the leg of the pair which is circled in red;
what I mean is in the low poly rendition, the transition in meshes from pearbody to leg look “blocky” whilst in the high topology pear that transition seems “rounded” and “clean”.