Help with my movement script please!

Hello all - simple problem, I just don’t seem to know how to fix it.
Ok, so when I use my script it doesn’t continuously applyMovement()

For example, when I hold the ‘w’ key it won’t CONTINUOULY go forward 0.1 blender units, it just goes once. So I’m left to repeatedly press the key again and again to go forward. How do I fix this ? Note: I know I can just use an actuator, but I don’t want to. Please, help me with my way around this. Here is my script:

import bge
from bge import logic
from bge import events

cont = logic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.owner

collision = cont.sensors["Collision"]
key =

WKEY = key[events.WKEY]
AKEY = key[events.AKEY]
SKEY = key[events.SKEY]
DKEY = key[events.DKEY]

yMove = 0.0
xMove = 0.0

if AKEY == 3:
    xMove = 0.0
if DKEY == 3:
    xMove = 0.0
if AKEY == 2:
    xMove = -0.1
if DKEY == 2:
    xMove = 0.1
if AKEY == 1:
    xMove = -0.1
if DKEY == 1:
    xMove = 0.1
if WKEY == 3:
    yMove = 0.0
if SKEY == 3:
    yMove = 0.0
if WKEY == 2:
    yMove = 0.1
if SKEY == 2:
    yMove = -0.1
if WKEY == 1:
    yMove = 0.1
if SKEY == 1:
    yMove = -0.1

if SPACEKEY == 1 and collision.positive:
    obj.applyForce([0.0, 0.0, 300], 1)
obj.applyMovement([xMove, yMove, 0.0], 1)

what logic bricks are you using?
if you are just using a collision sensor and a python controller then just activate the true pulse mode on the collision sensor.

GENIUS! lol - thank you man… I never use logic bricks so I would have never had seen that.