I’m trying to create a painted brick texture like these houses here
My attempt has been to use a noise texture to make it slightly blurry or jitterred as use that as a bump map with a solid color (the paint). it doesn’t look good though
I’m trying to create a painted brick texture like these houses here
My attempt has been to use a noise texture to make it slightly blurry or jitterred as use that as a bump map with a solid color (the paint). it doesn’t look good though
Are you sure you want to create the material rather than use one of these, for example?
You can of course replace/modify the color map.
Tried but didn’t like the look. Besides I am trying for a painted brick.
really looking for shading advice here
I do not think a single noise texture will do it, you would have use a few layers for different things.
For example one to wiggle the bricks a bit.
Another to fill in bits of the mortar
Possibly another brick texture with no mortar to shift the bricks in and out a bit
And finally a general noise thing
All this would need to be fine tuned to your taste and the lighting etc, also using actual displacement would look better but the principle of pilling layers for different aspects would be the same.
Just one noise texture will not do it well.
Here is the file (a bit messy!)
PaintedBricks.blend (158.7 KB)
Edit; I already tweaked it a bit
dude this is awesome! it looks just like the photo
yeah that one is good actually. I was looking at the one called ‘painted brick’
Well the shift bricks bit is not plugged in properly and was just adding more grunge, you could tweak materials like this for ever.
They are fun to make but, yea sometimes downloading a texture is easier!
Is there any way to ‘smooth out’ a displacement map of a texture I downloaded in blender?
To really smooth it i would blur the displacement textue in gimp or photoshop, keep a copy of the original in case you go to far.
right, thanks.