Help with procedurally-generated rope texture

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could me out on why a procedurally-generated texture I’ve been working on isn’t working. So basically, I’ve been trying to make a rope-like texture for the fuse of a bomb using a tutorial I found on YouTube. However, after setting up the nodes to generate the texture like in the video, no texture is appearing.

The strange thing is that if you look at the preview of the material on the right side of the screen, it does appear to displaying what the texture should look like, it just isn’t appearing on the model itself.

I’m not sure why it isn’t working, not helping matters is that I don’t remember which video I used to make the texture so I haven’t been able to go back to it to find out what the problem is.

Anybody have any idea on what I can do to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance!

Fuse texture nodes:

Link to Blend file:
texture_help.blend (768.2 KB)


The first node (“Texture Coordinate”) uses UV map, but your object doesn’t have one. You need to properly unwrap it (or at least the part of it with this material)


Okay, so I did as you suggested and UV mapped the entire model, which did make the texture appear but unfortunately its completely messed up, leaving me at a loss on how to fix it.

Link to updated Blend file:
texture_help.blend (829.4 KB)

You need to be purposeful with your unwrap. The generated texture is set of horizontal stripes (see on a plane there). UVs of this particular part of the mesh should have straight rectangular shape.

Select one face, unwrap it and make sure it’s precisely rectangular (you can scale UV edges to 0 on X or Y axis to align them), then select other faces of this part and Unwrap > Follow Active Quad. It should look like in the example.


Blast it, I need to stop getting side-tracked by other things for so long :angry: but anyways thanks for the response! Unfortunately though, I can’t replicate your solution and I don’t know what I am doing wrong.

I tried doing as you suggested; selecting a face and unwrapping it, followed by selecting the rest of the faces and then unwrapping them using Follow Active Quad. But for whatever reason, the UV map instead ends up looking the picture above instead of being perfectly squared like in your example, which in turn makes the generated rope texture look like this:

I have no idea on what I’m doing. :sweat:

You have to tweak the rotation so ripples align:
rope.blend (110.7 KB)


You need to have the edges of that first unwrapped quad perfectly vertical and horizontal.
I suspect in this case it’s the lower edge that gives that result.
Select the edge > press S (for scale) > press Y (for vertical axis) > press 0 (to flatten it horizontally).

Repeat for others if you want to make sure (press X for horizontal axis).

After that try Follow Active Quad

May not be what you need for a “rope”, but I use this technique for “cables”. Usually on simple bezier curves, but easily adapted to actual geo. The “bezier cable” in the back use “6 ropes” whereas on yours I use “1 rope”.

I’m still not having any success in trying to fix this problem :sob:.

I tried straightening the edges of the UV map like StrayBillie suggested but the end result hasn’t changed much.

Not helping matters is that when I unwrap the fuse the UV map it ends up being ridiculously huge relative to the texture map, as seen in the screenshot below with the area highlighted by the red square being the texture map.