Help with python tutorial!

[INDENT]Hello everyone,

i had followed a tutorial on python(link will be at the bottom of the post) which was about programming using pythons on the bge.I finished the tutorial but still didnt get the results i was supposed to get.can some one please help me identify and fixe this problem:confused: .

instead of screenshots here is the blend file.

and here is the link to the tutorial:


You need to fix your links, they donā€™t lead to the images that you are reffering to.

There is a problem in your python script. Write the code exactly as I write it in the tutorial, including spaces. Your if statements should look exactly like this: (note the spaces between = and -speed and -rspeed)

To learn more about python in general you should go through the 3rd prerequisite link, and read ā€œA Byte of Pythonā€.

if forward.isPositive():
    walk = speed
if backward.isPositive():
    walk = -speed
if turnleft.isPositive():
    turn = rspeed
if turnright.isPositive():
    turn = -rspeed

You should ask questions like theese in the Game Engine forum, where I can see them and answer them.

Also, there are no = signs after getSensor. Itā€™s just cont.getSensor(ā€œsensornameā€). And yes, you need cont everytime before .getSensor().

You really rushed it.

Hey Jam! Heres what I made with that tut. And it should work fine. Just look at my python script and make sure it matches exactly.

social:thank you for your help indeed,yes there was a problem with the link so instead of screenshots i decided to upload the file so anyone who can help me to identify the problem may do so.

p.s. i was wondering where i should post this up,so my mistake,next time ill post it where you told me to do so.

master-noob:waz up mayn,thanks for the link to the tut,it really helped me out.and the .blend file u gave me now is great,you have to teach me how to do more of this mayn!LOL!thank you for all the help.can you try and identify my problem please.

ā€¦??? Are you kidding. I already did that. You didnā€™t read the code right on the tutorial page.

Here is a mini tutorial on figuring out what you did wrong:

1 - Go to the tutorial page
2 - Compare your script with the script on the tutorial page
3 - Make your script look exactly like the script on the tutorial page

thats what im doing now.

:smiley: I fixed it,the problem was i did not type in cont. in front of the directions in the sensors sections.

:smiley: special thanks to the contributers of this thread!:smiley: