Help with Stained Glass effect - Cycles

Can anyone please point me to tips on getting a certain effect in Cycles for a stained glass effect. I’m looking for something specific, in that I want the glass to have a textured pattern to it - similar to something like this:

If tried several things, including a mix shader mixing glass shader with an image diffuse texture, but it doesn’t ever look right! Ideally, there would be some environmental lighting, and/or caustics coming from the glass… Any suggestions?


I would use either a mixture of glass and translucent - or change the roughness of the glass using a map.

edit - try this as a starting point (although it does need some work)

Awesome - thanks! I’ll will give this a go…

Here is another. I Used the displacement to give the glass also the relief.

Good luck

Beautiful! Exactly what I was looking for… Now on to the next stage of my plan… which is to animate the image texture!

Edit: actually Cherryman, would you mind sending me that file, or clarifying what some of those nodes are? I can’t quite make it all out with my old eyes!



I did not save it. so i did a little remake.

File attached.


I Use the transparant node becausze the schadows with glass node dont work for me, also to control glossyness seperatly.

There are some other nodes to control the settings just play with it.

Also dont forget to play with the lightsource. To get some detail in the shadow, make the sun very small.

Good luck, and show the result some time.

Happy Blending


KoiGlass.blend (1.66 MB)


VeryCool Stuff !!!
tkz for.blend !

Thanks for the file! Super helpful… Love the Blender community!