Help With Swing Animation

Ok, well this has got me stumped, this is a carnival ride for a game called RollerCoasterTycoon 3, and I am having trouble getting the chairs on this ride to “swing” out, it all needs to be animated with bones and keyframes, but I can only get the chairs on the axis to swing out correctly, I know there must be someway to parent all off the chairs to a bone, and have it effect them in all of the same way. Here is a picture, I know it is not in blender, but it is only needed for a reference.

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One way to do it is to start with central bone, which is used to animate rotation, and one seat bone, which is used to swing the chair out. Create second seat bone rotated to proper location and use Copy rotation constraint to copy first seat rotation. Duplicate remaining seats. Make sure that bone axis is pointed the right way and use Normal space coordinate to animate.

Yay! That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much for the reply. I do have one more question, how do I parent the bones to the one central bone? Is there a step by step tutorial?

You can set seat / swing bone to main bone in Edit mode. There is Parent panel under bone property / Relations. Just select the bone icon and list to pick will appear. This method works for two bone within same Armature.

Great, so how do I do thins in blender 2.49b? Is it the same?