Her Lady's Navy - Revamped and Alpha Available

Hello everyone.

For some time now I’ve been working on a game that I plan to sell. Based loosely on a universe a friend and I have created involving the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy the human population thereof and such and yada and etc.

It’s a simple 2D arcade shooter in space, with multiple levels, a level select screen and almost complete sound effects and music. It’s currently pre-alpha, most of the game mechanics (like shoot) have been implemented and polished. It’s just about as optimised as it can be so far.


A screenshot of the new Moon level

An updated version of the already demonstrated scrolling shooter level above the planet Genesis

// Download Here
// ~ 60mb
// .blends, sounds, exe, textures and sundry other things probably

Controls are:
Arrow Keys - movement
Space or L Ctrl - Shoot

One thing to note is that being that the .blends are available, I would prefer they not be duplicated or used in any way. You may, however, look through them and use the individual sounds, textures and other assets. If you look through the scripts you can use them too, but I would like to be credited, thank you.


Being on Linux I had to pick a .blend and run it. I tried with MainMenu.blend but i couldn’t click the buttons. I ran game_main.blend and the game started. Works like a charm here (Ubuntu 13 - AMD-HDCrap5450).
I couldn’t quit the game pressing “ESC” on the keyboard.
Lovable pixel style, nice game.

Yeah, for some reason the button for Play in the menu is dodgy. And also the settings button is currently non-functional. And I’m glad it works on a 5450, that a laptop card or PC? As for your comment about the Esc key, I changed the quit button to F1 for the purposes of reserving Esc for an ingame menu.

Thankyou muchly.

It’s a PC card, of the kind that is mid range when you see the PC, becomes low end the very minute you pay for it and almost useless the day after. Performance-wise enough to play Starcraft 2 or Hawken (both of which surprisingly works on linux with wine).

You must have gotten it a few years ago then, my 7750 was an entry level card when I got it late last year.

Something has gone wrong and I can’t figure out what it is. The main post has been updated, but in summary: Asteroids are acting strangely with hit detection.


Seems your logic is lagging again. 18.6fps.

The reason the asteroids have “weird” hit detection is because you have set up the asteroids so that there is still space where it is not solid (the cross-like method for particles - 3 planes – one on each axis). Rather extrude the plane up (to create a cube), or create a hitbox for it <- preferably this. A simple mesh should do the trick, then you can use the plane as a visual instead.

Look at the attached image: The red parts are areas in which the bullets won’t collide with it (not including the other axis).

Yes, this is also a problem that I believe I can fix. . Replace lines 51 through 60:

        if random.randint(1, 2) == 2:            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.z = 0.0
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.x = random.randint(-200, 2200)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.y = random.randint(-0, 1400)
            asteroid = scene.addObject("Asteroid", "Asteroid_Spawner", 0)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.z = -5.0
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.x = random.randint(-200, 2200)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.y = random.randint(-0, 1400)
            asteroid = scene.addObject("Asteroid_Passive", "Asteroid_Spawner", 0)


       if random.randint(1, 2) == 2:            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.z = 0.0
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.x = random.randint(-200, 200)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.y = random.randint(-0, 400)
            asteroid = scene.addObject("Asteroid", "Asteroid_Spawner", 0)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.z = -5.0
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.x = random.randint(-200, 200)
            scene.objects["Asteroid_Spawner"].worldPosition.y = random.randint(-0, 400)
            asteroid = scene.addObject("Asteroid_Passive", "Asteroid_Spawner", 0)

And change “x = 10000” on line 47 to only 2000, that should do it.

This is absolutely true and I can’t believe I didn’t realise it lol. Moving the vertical faces outward to form a box around the asteroid helped greatly, but for some reason bullets still go straight through.

A video showing the issue:

Thanks in advance.


Hit detection still dodge, I’m sure I’ll get it. In the meantime I’m working on redesign of the menus, ingame and main.

Main menu screen is just about done, all that’s left is to apply effects to buttons upon a left click (pretty much just the how play button, all other buttons change to other .blend files so there’s no time to see the effect anyway). And the how “to” play button actually does something now, so that’s good.

// .blend in a .rar
// ~1500 kb
// Music is packed, if you would like the .ogg file or even the .aup I would gladly share it, it is 100% my own work.
// Free content, in pieces, don’t nick the whole thing that would be outrageous.



For the collision detection, have you tried different collision types for both the bullets and the asteroids? It might be that the bullets are simply too small. Have you tried sizing up the bullets (or making a larger collision bound object for it)? Upping the physics substep amount might also help. Also, have you tried using a raycast from where the bullet is to where it will be next frame to determine collisions?

I am very short on time so…

not sure

(Later that very same day)
Ok, now that I have time I will answer in full. I have infact tried different collision types for the asteroids, infact the I’ve tried all collision types. The bullet however is a ray sensor and works completely fine with enemy ships which are exactly the same as asteroids except they have less polygons to collide with.
Being that the bullets are using ray sensors I wouldn’t think sizing up the bullet would help, would it? Also something to note is that some of the collision seem to be detected when the bullet is half way through the asteroid, and other varying lengths.
I have also tried increasing the substep and it did not work either. I was so hoping it would help though I would have liked to avoid it because I already have intermittent lag spikes and need to optimise further.
And yes, I’m using a ray. Though I’m not sure what you mean by: “…raycast from where the bullet is to where it will be next frame…” I assume you just mean slightly ahead of itself?

Thanks for the help,


I’m putting the asteroids on hold for a moment and focusing on the final, alternate gameplay aspect; side-scrolling. I’ve also reworked a lot of the aesthetics to be fuller with neon and not so sharp and flat and boring.

Apart from that an ingame menu has been implemented to the side-scrolling and the end game screen for the Genesis level has been fixed and updated visually with a whole new end screen image.

A screenshot: