Herbie Volkswagen Beetle 1968

Created in Blender 4.02, rendered in Eevee 128 samples.


It’s gorgeous!

Do you want a Leela?
Or a Lindsey Lohan?


It is amazing! Such a clean model. :clap:

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Thank you very much!

Thank you!!!

Very nice, Orlando! It’s a good likeness.

You make me a little misty. I recall seeing The Love Bug as a child. The theatre owner had a VW decorated with the “53” racing markings in the lobby. But the car was green.

I remember thinking: “That’s not Herbie!”

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Thank you for your comment. Regards!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much Bart!!!

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This is fabulous, and a great reproduction of the car that was a character not just a prop. I remember enjoying the original film though when I watched it many years later it didn’t seem to have aged well. The sequel I never did like. Herbie was still one of my favourite movie characters, one of the first mechanical characters I enjoyed in a movie.

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Thank you very much!

That looks exceptionally well modeled. Great work!

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Thank you very much!

so cleannnnnn
Awesome :star_struck:

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Thanks for your comment!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Nice work bravo :clap:

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Excellent work. Clean model! congrats on the feature!

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This was our family car back in the 80s. I used to have to sit in the very back on the engine as a kid when we went on camping holidays. :rofl:
Great work. Nice EEVEE renders.

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Thank you for sharing this legend😎

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