Here fishy fishy!

Hi. I’ve been working on and off on this creature for some time now. It’s my first real project and i’m correcting mistakes i’ve made as i go along and do more research into 3d and blender( i.e. edge loops, seams, etc ). I’m the type of person who likes to learn as much as possible about a craft before starting with it. I knew all the functions of a 35mm SLR and how to expose a scene before i even went to the camera store…

He’s supposed to be a powder blue surgeonfish. Little did I realize that “Dory” from finding nemo is a blue surgeonfsh of a different variety. I did not intend for him to be a Dory knock-off, more like a reject for the casting call to ‘finding nemo’. Comment and crits on what i got so far are appreciated…

i do intend to fully texture and color map this guy…already did some experimenting…as i learn animation, i may even rig him…

p.s. i want to take this time to give my appreciation to all you members of this message board for all your helpful hints and suggestions you’ve posted over time. the search function on this web page has saved my butt many times. i’ve been in different online communites of various types since 1993, and this is the most generous and helpful one ever. much respect to all of you.

You are off to a good start, since your fish (who you oughta name already) already looks like it has plenty of life. The lips should be rounded inside (as in, take the verts, extrude them, shrink them a little, then pull them down). The upper fin could stand out a little more, either by the texturing or raising the vertices. Also, he really could use some “hand fins”. Lastly, you could add random details everywhere.

Hope this helped.

the mouth looks very strange…and yet i can’t quite tell wats wrong with it…hhhmmmmmmmm…

the rest of the fish is great, its just begging for a funny voice and a nice little movie.

Mhm. Something is wrong with the corners of this mouth. There is a strange angle in it. Try to refine that part of him. Should make the overall model much better.

But this is a great model as a whole. Looking forward to seem him animated. I hope you will animate him. And textures… Oh, well, well, so much blender, so little time… :slight_smile: