Heroïc fantasy tower

This is my last artwork.
My goal was to create the most impressive heroic fantasy tower possible.
It’s the first time I spend so much time to a single picture, and I learn a lot of new things that I have never done before (compositing, texture painting…)
It took me a long time, and I’m not totally satisfy, but I want to stop working on it and start a new project.
All criticisms are welcome and will allow me to progress.


Heyy @Dworkin !

This is amazing ! :clap:
I think you’ve got it all, modeling, texturing, lighting, composition… just need a little bit of post-processing and I think it’ll render good :+1:

To show :
I’ve added a little bit of mist, on the left. Some black around the corners, to maintain the focus on the tower, some light rays, and I’ve adjust a little bit the colors :

I can leave you the psd file if you want :+1:

PS: The mist in the bottom look really sick, and is well well done :100:

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