Hi Everybody, I am working on a project where I want to make a procedural weave in geometry nodes. I followed the great tutorial of Erindale on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYlUuXN-S-U
It is very helpful, and I mostly understand what is happening. He starts out with a flat procedural piece of weaved wicker and then wraps it by using the UV coordinates.
The weaving pattern he shows is a very basic weave pattern. I now want to make a herringbone weave, like in the image: https://seatweaving.org/store/media/2020-Herringbone-duoforPrint.png.
or like:
But I lack the knowledge (mathematical logic) to know where to start. I guess it has something to do with getting the right index numbers to match up in a certain pattern and then move the points up and down based on that pattern.
I have the blend file with a basic weave of 2 strokes going up and under each other, in the attachment. geonodes wicker5.blend (1.9 MB)
My suggestion for weaving patterns like this is always the same- you can’t understand how it works just by observing it, once you can make this in the real world you can easily do it in geometry nodes. I would recommend getting some cheap shoelaces or something like that, finding some video tutorials on how to herringbone weave, then practicing until you can do it with your hands. Once you can do that, transferring it to Blender is easy peasy
Thanks for the link. I remember seeing this, but the approach seem to be very different. In the video he is working with seperate elements, where I want to weave elements. But I will check it out again, see if I can find a solution in there.
I got much further with this problem. By following the herringbone tutorial of Erindale and combining it with the wicker weave tutorial of Erindale I got a herringbone weave.
I created a grid with the correct offset and instanced a small portion of a weave. I then created a rotated version of the same grid, made an offset and instanced the same weave on it. I am not totally happy with the shape of the weave yet, needs some tweaking.
The problem I now face, is that when I want to put this flat woven mesh on a complex surface (for example a suzanne) the woven curves work, and with a circle as profile is of course also works,but when I put a profile of a rectangle (to create a ribbon) on their, they are not aligned correctly. I think I need to align the curve tilt to the normal of the surface. I found somewhere an example of some nodes, but they don’t seem to work out.