Hey Mac Blender folks - don't let the E-Cycles for Mac die

If you’re still using Blender Mac with a crappy Nvidia hardware because of CUDA support please look at E-Cycles. It is a really useful Cycles version that could save you a lot of rendering time for a few bucks. Author of E-Cycles consider to stop develop a Mac version.

E-Cycles on Blenderartists

:-/ … yfile, if you were just trying to make a link, do this: type E-Cycles, then select it and click the hyperlink button above, then paste in the URL… then you get this E-Cycles

Ok. Done. Thank you for an great tip.

I can understand your concern, but what should we about it? If he stops supporting MAC then that’s how it is.

It is simple - he needs a few more Mac clients to make it profitable.

Yeah OK, I don’t see another way either. But I doubt that another post will serve that purpose. The project is pretty well known here on BA.
If you want to do PR for it, you should try to spread the word on Facebook and the likes.

I see you can spend 50k on a Mac computer. Unreal ! So maybe one of those billionaires who buys a mac will donate a few bucks to the E-Cycles for Mac. I can not imaging paying that much for a computer but people do it. It would be worth it for him to support Mac but he would need to charge a lot.

I use this on my MacBook Pro, it does make rendering noticeably faster, even on CPU. If you’re a Mac user, I’d recommend trying it, especially since we can’t get GPU acceleration or full proper Eevee support.

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Interesting. Do you have some numbers? even if only estimates? How much faster it makes the renders on CPU?
If it really speeds up the renders on Mac’s then it’s surely worth it.
For the price tag it needs to be really noticeable, though. :wink:

In this user example, sample count is cut by 4, which gives a proportinal speed-up on CPU:


People already said how good the Intel denoiser node is and the post aboves compares E-Cycles AI denoiser to it.

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Thanks for the link Bliblubli.
Does the E-Cycles AI Denoiser work for animations? (Or does it create moving artefacts?)
And does it only use the CPU?

You’re welcome,
it works in animations, it requires more samples and some clamping compared to stills.
You can see an example I made with the first version on youtube:

It evolved a lot since then, so it may work with less samples now. I’ll make an update of it soon and post on youtube too.
Yes, it works only on CPU.