Hey need some help with keyframes

In multiple places I have simple animations for a light bulb “reflector” spinning around a light bulb but when I copy and paste the animation keyframes as needed for a continuous flow it does some weird warp animation folding into the bulb itself after it restarts the cycle (in between the first created keyframes manually and the copy pasted ones… why is this? and how do I fix it.)

The same happens with my fan blades that are just supposed to spin counter clockwise the entire time.

I think because blender doesn’t know you want it to add the first rotation to the second, and instead it’s “rewinding” to your initial rotation angle. While you’re waiting for an answer here, I would try searching “blender, how to animate infinite rotation” or similar.

better do it like this IMO:

1- animate two keyframes of the desired rotation (i did it in the Z axis in this example)

select those keyframes and press T then slect linear to have a steady linear speed

1- then select the channel (z in this example)
2- go to the N panel => modifiers
3- add modifier
4- choose Cycles modifier
5- and change the before and after to “repeat with offset”
and now you can even move around the second key-frame to change the speed of the continuous rotation

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I don’t understand did you self teach yourself this, I see people that are like 45 years old that must have a background in software’s that just know things that self teaching cant teach you. This I understand can be self taught and I thank you for it because I wouldn’t have found this on you tube with what I was searching.

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self though, while learning from people (youtube, forums). and experimenting.

we tend to learn from youtube/tutorials a lot and it’s just giving us a short attention span, and if the brain gets an information easily it can loose it easily… so i recommend reading the manual too
i remember first time I went there it was for the noise modifier (easy way to make something shake) and i saw it somewhere for sure, couldn’t guess it was there (most likely youtube)
and i was… Oh those animation modifiers are cool, let’s see what else is there, and started experimenting with all of them while reading their manual pages. if you still can’t guess how to use it after this, you know now how to search on youtube or whatever (you have the keywords)
and by doing all this to learn it… you’ll remember it, and build a certain reasoning of you can use this for other cases not just what the guy did in the tutorial lol


YouTube only gets you so far, you gotta read the manual