Hide workspace menus?

Is there any way of hiding the workspace menu.

I’m dyslexic and it’s a bit of a word-blur up there for me.
I see that you can delete the layouts all together and that removes them from the menu. But I have assigned them to pie menus and if I delete them, then the pie menu entry seems to stop working as well.
Does anyone know if this is possible?

Yes. There are two ways to hide these layout tabs, but they require the 3D Viewport Editor window to always be active.

Method #1

  • Duplicate the Editor window.

Final Result #1

Solution #2

  • Maximize the 3D Viewport Editor window.

Final Results #2

Parting words

The latter method can be tiring with the default keyboard controls or any keyboard controls for that matter. This is why I use; and strongly recommend, using a 8+ button mouse. For instance, I use this mouse and have the maximize operator keybinded to my 7th key.

If you really want to go big, you can even get a more fancy mouse with even more buttons. Such as this mouse that has its own 12 buttons side buttons, not counting the other buttons and inputs that a normal mouse has.


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Thanks very much…
Yeah I have one of these…

Currently working my way though assigning to the various buttons. :slight_smile:
Will certainly use your suggestion