Hiding certain geo node groups from append/scene to avoid clutter?


I was curious to know if it was possible to hide certain geometry node groups from the append browser / modifier browser. I have a very complex generator that contains many different groups and want to avoid clutter. I just want the user to be able to easily append the root node of my generator when appending to avoid any confusion.

It would also be nice to have the ability to cull these groups from the geometry nodes browser in the modifier to further reduce clutter.

Is this possible ?


Mark the GN as an asset and use the Asset browser instead of using Append. (Right-click on node-group → Mark as Asset, then copy the file to an asset directory which you can configure in settings.)

Then to clear up the Add-Group menu to not show “internal” GNs, prepend those node-groups with a full-stop . e.g. If you want to hide vector switch rename it to .vector switch

Good luck.


Thanks for the reply Zeroskilz,

I was aware of the asset browser method but changing the naming convention of the groups is a nice trick :slight_smile: