Hiding seams/cleaning seams/getting rid of those stupid annoying seams D:

I have tried finding something online that would work for me, and though I’ve found a couple things so far I haven’t had any luck.

I’ve tried using this tutorial: http://www.blendernerd.com/hiding-uv-seams/

But I have no idea what I’m doing with the nodes so it keeps turning out odd looking for me when I render it, and it doesn’t show up in the viewport either.

And using the clone tool in texture paint doesn’t work for my texture either.

So here I am, coming back to here for help. Again lol.

So if someone either knows of a great help source for this, or would be willing to walk me through the process I would really appreciate it.

Still looking for help on this.

-noses around-

I really want to finish this model, it’ll be me first fully textured model.

This would be much easier if you provided something to work with. Can’t really help with nodes or know what the problem is with rendering without seeing the file/screenshots. It’s not obvious why clone doesn’t work with your texture or what techniques to suggest for that particular texture.

I didn’t think the file would be needed simply for someone to point me in the direction of a good tutorial on how to clean up seams. I’m looking for techniques I can use on /all/ textures.

I’ve seen some things about baking textures to the model and unwrapping that or something, but I haven’t been able to find anything in depth about that.

And it doesn’t seem to want to work for my texture seeing as it’s fur (or as close as I can make it). It just does weird things when I try to paint across seam lines and doesn’t work as in a blender tip video I watched. I’m probably doing something wrong here but, again, that is most likely just something general and not specific to my model. :confused:

But here’s a screenshot if it helps. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/338/7/e/untitled_by_jaderavenwing-d6wrop7.png

As you can see there are very obvious seam lines where the legs connect to the body and along the sides of the legs.

I would normally recommend setting up seam s where they won’t be obvious, similar to pelting an animal skin (here quite literally) such that it lays flat like a bear skin rug when unwrapped.

You can also load your fur texture as a brush and set to stencil, move it with rmb, scale it with shift-rmb, and rotate it with ctrl-rmb - you can then paint out the errors at the seams by lining up your stencil and lightly painting in new pixels there to blend them in.

This is probably the best video on the subject out there. IMO.

Not sure the forum is the best place to give you a complete lesson in anything, it’s more of a place to help with specific problems!

The picture helps a lot in that regard, but more info is needed: specifically what your geometry looks like. The comments we can offer should be applicable to future projects as well.

When you say using the clone tool doesn’t work you might not be using it to clone from another UV as the video shows how to do. It’s complicated but effective.

Projection painting is also good but once again you need to lay a good basis for it.