High Noon

Created a scene to compete in this month’s Fire Pigeon Discord challenge with the prompt “dust” and “surprise!” You can join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/dU7ujPRD8k

Everything was made in Blender, and thanks to @anon53575970 for assets: clouds, dust, ground, and her fantastic GIMP skills for post!

Without GIMP comp but with Blender comp (because why not?):

Without any comp:



I love it!
very noon, such high!

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Thank you!!!

Beautiful work! Keep it up!

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Thanks GG! I was just saying how I need a new prompt for next month from @anon53575970 because then I have a deadline!

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I’m pretty sure there will be a new prompt in the very near future! But I agree that having a deadline is nice! It really helps me finish stuff as opposed to just obsessing over the imperfections forever. :laughing:

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I feel you there. I could waste hours and hours tweaking things without a deadline.

Me literally RN O_O

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you @bartv !

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I enjoy a good western! This is cool :smiley: I really like the composition and the colours. Great job! :+1:

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Hey, I really appreciate the note about composition and color. I found a striking image online and blocked it out to match. The colors are probably thanks to @anon53575970 since we did work together in GIMP to make it shine.

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