"Hip Hop Her" by Sextion8

This one has been on the boil for about a year now, but I can finally say it is FINISHED now http://blenderuser.co.uk/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif All made in blender, all rendered on burp. Full credits in the video http://blenderuser.co.uk/forum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Watch for :-
Cubes jumping on drum beats
Keys playing themselves
Coloured tubes lighting up in time with guitars.
Bass line synced images on the mini screen.

I will be documenting it more soon in my personal blog, but feel free to ask questions here.

I know there are a couple of things that would have looked better if I fixed them, but it all takes soooo long.


p.s. Anyone know how to embed youtube into ba yet?


Nice animation but sorry to say it tends to get boring after a while. You should vary the speed of the turn more and maybe even go the other way from time to time depending on the beat of the music. Also there are some artifacts and the transparency of the cubes looks weird from time to time. It gets more transparent and less transparent but that isn’t too cumbersome.
I’d give you 3 1/2 * for some good work.
BTW what is burp?

It took ever such a long time to get where it is now… Basically it started as a test for the Midi_Import_X script… as I learnt more about other things such as the Blender Audio Analysis script, the 3D sound engine and video texturing, I added these in which left me the nice long render and vocals away from having the video you see… Then I found BURP…

BURP is the BIG UGLY RENDER PROJECT and is a wonderful way of saving yourself 1/2 a year in render time… The full size frames (not the squashed down ones you see on youtube) are 1280x1024 uncompressed PNG files. Each frame takes my pc about 30 minutes. There were nearly 4500 frames in the animation. Thats basically 3 months straight of rendering if I do nothing else on my PC. By connecting my PC to BURP and submitting my render job there, render time dropped to 2 1/2 days.Go ahead and join at http://burp.boinc.dk

The lyrics were written and recorded in about 2 hours just to add a bit of spice :wink: This is my first ever full song length music video. Now I know I can do one and outsource the rendering I will be doing more so this really is chapter 1. The real adventure starts here.