I finally finished my model of a USP MATCH. (Lara Crofts guns from the first Tomb Raider movie)
If they dont seem quite done, then feel free to comment/critique.
I think it would benefit greatly from just a slight bevel to everything. At the moment, it’s pretty well modeled, but seems a bit low poly at some spots (this would be fixed with a bit of 1 or 2 recursion bevel).
Now start working on a Lara Croft model!
very cool! I definitely agree about bevelling, maybe even smoothing some parts.
The handle texture looks phenomenal!
where did you get the reference images?
I’ll post an image of the bevelled one soon, but to answer that “ref pic” question, I looked up HK USP MATCH on images.yahoo.com and got the best orthographic pics I could find.
When I try to bevel it, it gives me this…how do I go about bevelling it?
As far as I know you have to do it the hard way. Select the edges you want to bevel, and then use the bevel center script.
Oh yeah, as far as the pic is concerned. I’m not much of a gun person, but its looking pretty good.