i have been working with blender for a long time but i am still new to some things, I know it must be a simple thing I just don’t know how to do it, thanks.
also the creases look very hard in that picture is there a way to soften the hardness of edges.
you might give crazybump a try http://www.crazybump.com/
(edit) crazybump will generate a disp map from a photo of a crumpled piece of paper, but if you need help applying it, just leave another comment on this thread.
ok thanks all! Yes a normal map would work well, Can i use that picture or similar to create a normal map? what program do you recommend to make the best normal maps? I don’t have Photoshop but I do have GIMP and Paint.net, Paint,net has a normal map plugin.
One way woudl be to sculpt it in blender with Dyntopo and then in object mode use the Decimate modifier set to planar. You might get something to use as a normal map then.
Cell fracture flattened cube.
Select shards, join and duplicate just a top faces into the new object. Join faces, remove doubles. Select vertex somewhere and use random proportional edit to move points Z. Triangulate faces. Slight amount of bevel modifier helps to soften object.