I’m taking the beginning Blender Tutorial by “BlenderGuru” on Youtube.
He has his students build a donut. Well, thats what i’m doing.
I’m wondering is there any way i can fill in the “holes” in the mesh.
Nothing seems to work. I want to give the bottom edge of the icing on top of the
donut a wavy appearance. When i select a vertex and pull down on it…
i get these BIG holes that appear…(as shown in the photo).
Strangely, “solidify” does seem to help sometime…but not all the time.
And subdividing (or adding more resolution) at the outset does’nt
seem to help cure the problem 100% either. Thanks guys.
Also other tip: if you re-select the one of either corners of the “rectagular” edge loop selection, to make it an active vertex (white dot) the grid fill since is a contextual tool it will detect that active vertex and set the right amount of span and offset according that active vertex selection and amount of vertices selected.
Hi and welcome to BA,
hmmm, if you just moved vertices I doubt you could make holes in your mesh. I think your verts are just hidden by the donught solid view.
Can you show the pure wireframe view?
Are you using some ‘snap’ or shrinkwrap modifier?
and when you add your Solidify Modifier you need to reverse the direction of the offset ( default -1.0 sends it inside, change to 1.00 and it will grow outside…