Holes on mesh when moving from modeling to sculpt

I had quite long brake with blender. Now I’m trying to move from 2.7x habits to 2.8x

I wanted to start from the basics. I found a tutorial made by Andrew P. aka Blender Guru.
It’s about making a doughnut.

During the tutorial there is I have to apply subdivisions to doughnut and topping and sculpt a little.
With the doughnut everything works perfect but with topping there is a problem.
I tried to apply solidify and then subdivision. When I do that and move to sculpting tab Blender gives me this:

I’ve been trying to find the solution but It’s hard to me to name this problem.

had any luck fixing it? i just came across the same issues and its driving me insane :frowning:

I had hidden vertices.
In edit mode I had to unhide them (alt + h shortcut)
It was solition for my problem in my case.