Hi all. So I started to finish my model of Ichigo’s mask. It’s roughly done, little tweak is needed. I’ll post pic’s and blend soon. But my question (Rather two, I think) arise.
2nd one - http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/057/a/c/Ichigo_Half_Hollow_Mask_by_Xpand_Your_Mind.jpg , Colorized pieces. I intend to use SSS (Main question - where I can find realistic one?) with color map (These colorized stripes) and normal map (Used to create these little how-do-you-name-it holes in bone’s texture). How can I combine them realistic? So - wait for remesh, I think - morning, GMT+1 ; )
Best way to add teeth to the mask would probably be by adding them as floating geometry (separate objects from the mask)
Here’s some more reference btw (sorry for small pic, couldn’t find any bigger ones)
I am not really sure what you mean with this one. Blender 2.5 already comes with some SSS presets, but playing around with the settings would probably be the best for you. You should make the textures yourself, otherwise you can’t be sure you get the stripes at the correct place and if you mean the holes for the eyes then you better model them out or use an alpha map (modeling them would give best result). Or do you mean the small bumps on the skull?