Holographic shader like this, not so easy


Do you know if Blender can achieve this holographic effect in Cycles?
I tried but I’m stuck far away :blush:
Here is some pics and youtube link to really see the effect…

Iridescent is the word you are looking for.

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Holographic, iridescent, dichroic, chameleon, prismatic… I tried all of them, but impossible to achieve this holographic effect… :sob:

Doesn’t seem impossible.
The reason the cars look that way is due to their random anisotropy.


Yes I saw this one, I succed to make chameleon bit not this holograpic…
on the car it is not so random, if you look the video you will see that the color changing is due to the shape…

It’s more complicated than that!
From what I can see, it’s a Diffraction grating with angular slits… So it’s not a shape matter, but a very specific relation between slits directions, slits shapes, slits spacing, light vector and view vector… plus wavelength interference!
Since Blender has no Spectral renderer, and the Light vector is unavailable to user, you’re out of luck.


Try to apply them well :slightly_smiling_face:

HoloGraphic Shader For Blender (gumroad.com)


Yes I supposed that it will be impossible :scream:

I tried this one, it doesn’t work…. :face_holding_back_tears:

Its not impossible, its just not a 1 click solution inside of blender. it will take some artistic work to make a shader that looks very similar.


Looks to me like the kind of prism effect but not with refraction, with anisotropic reflection. So I think you would need a few colors of anisotropic shader mixed together with a Add Shader node. Each anisotropic shader with slightly different settings for things, so the colors will separate. You can play with those untill it looks like what you want.

Some threads on this very subject:

How how how, too complex for me, I’m not smart enough to achieve this… :smiling_face: