Home office

Here you have the final result of this project. On this occasion I wanted to compile what I learned in this time dedicated to 3D art, I hope to continue learning much more and continue improving every day. I have used the concept of the amazing artist as a reference: @polyminthe


me: https://www.instagram.com/kevinanacona3d/?theme=dark


The “clay” version (no materials) of this that you posted a day or two ago was great! And now this!!! You have some mad material/texturing skills!! I love the details! wow!! :smiley:


Wow I really the overall setting and style but the details really make it outstanding!


I appreciate it a lot :smile:

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thank you so much :smile:

Turned out really great! Good job!

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thanks so much :smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks so much :smiling_face:

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Amazing work!

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thank you :smile:

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Love it, tells a story and gives me the feeling of working late on a CGI project.

Thank you very much for your comment :smile:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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thank you very much, i really appreciate it :smile:

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Wow this looks nice!!

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Very nicely done. Superb attention to detail.

And, this just goes to show you why, when working from home, you really want the video turned off. :wink:

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thanks a lot I really appreciate it :smile:

yes, we need to rest a little :sweat_smile:

Kind of reminds me of the Charlie Jones On The Computer meme template.

Those scratches in the camera plastic are impressive, nice work on the texture details.