Homer Simpson

Here is a model of Homer Simpson I made a couple of days ago. I just started learning Maya at school and it was a test to see how much better I were in Blender than Maya. It’s aimed at the modelling, so I haven’t put a lot of work on the rest it’s just plain colors and an ambient occlusion.

I thought about making a more toony, but I quite liked it as it was.


aww that is the cutest thing , nice ambient occlusion goin’ on there , and looks just like homer , with his odd spherical stomach, hehehe !
if you give the background something interesting and give us more angles that’d be great !

Excellent model.

Lovely model. +1 for the background request :smiley:

@Klorine & agentmilo
Thanks! I’m uploading some more angles while I’m thinking of something for the background. :slight_smile:

Thanks to you too! :wink:

PS. Seems like I only managed to add one image, troubles with Blenderartists…


Now that I see the side maybe he shoud be fatter , homer is … very fat, btw do you have ambient occlusion on ?

y, pretty good! reminds me of the chapter “homer³”. “Doe³s anyone seen the movie Tron? no, no, no , no, yes, I mean, no” lol.

do you plan to rig it or improve it’

Haha, I like it. Make him a bit fatter though.

Actually, originally he was too fat, so I made him thinner, but I seem to have made him too small. Is it better now?

It was meant as a pure modelling practice, but I think it’d be good to go through a little bit of animation aswell as I haven’t played around with it for a while. I googled the episode you mentioned and I could perhaps do a piece of it. :slight_smile:

Ok, here are two more images, the second is a re-render of one I was going to put up yesterday.


Ah very nice. If I may give you one piece of advice: At start of the episode “Sleeping with the Enemy” (Season 16) you see HS drawing himself. This gives quite an insight in Simpson anatomy, and the start of that episode is great anyway.

when finished will you be releasing the blend to the community, i would love to mess with him animation wise.

he looks brilliant btw.

Super! +1 to the comments that he looks like the Homer from the 3D episode.

much better , great job

@aothms That’s interesting, and I didn’t know Homer could draw. :wink:

@stvndysn Sure, no problem. Thanks for the encouragement!

@callmeishmael Thank you too!

@Klorine Well then it’s time to tackle rigging. I’ve never really messed around with it a lot, so I guess I can learn some new stuff while I’m at it. :slight_smile:

EDIT: This project kind of died out. I got stuff to do and forgot about it and simply lost motivation. I guess that’s what happens too often…

hey, a simpsons related blender work. High five bro

Always a winner with a simpson’s model. In the cartoon, his belly just feels a little more rounded… maybe it is just the difference between 2D and 3D

Cool translation, Dayanto! If you give him a toon render, feel free to add it to Blender NPR here: http://vimeo.com/groups/65429. Cheers.