Honest Feedback

Hi everyone! This is my first post. I’m trying to get better at environment concept art, thus I’m following Martin Klerkner’s course. This is my first personal project. What do you think?


It’s a good start, but man, those ripples distract me. The scale of the lake, and the ripples make it look like a meteor has just crashed through the surface after the splash has gone. It’s basically one huge ripple.

NB. It might work if you rendered to HDR and used it as a world texture.

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Go easy on that post processing blur and chromatic aberration, it seems a tad heavy handed. Also, while this might be your artistic intent, those mountains aren’t geologically believable.

I agree on the ripples as well.

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Thank you for let me notice it! I’ll surely be more careful next time

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I agree! I’ll be more careful on compositing. Thanks!

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Don’t feel bad. It’s not the first time that someone has got water ripples wrong, and it sure as hell won’t be the last.

Take a walk out to a real lake and take a look. Get a feel for how ripples actually look. Most people remember them wrong unless they are paying attention.

On a positive, I like the flock of birds, except the lone one also disturbs me, but maybe he’s looking for dinner :slight_smile:

EDIT - I should clarify, I know that at that scale the detail is not there, but the flock is believable, and I just gave you at least the start to the story the picture tells (the story is as important as the render).

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thanks Roken, feedback is really precious when studying and working by yourself, I can confirm that I didn’t had the chance to see a real lake lately :')

Also, after hours of blender you just cannot connect objectively with your work, so thanks again for taking the time to answer my post, I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks again🙏

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