Working on this slowly. Have not textured this yet, although the details were sculpted and then baked onto a lower poly model. Currently around 15,000 verts for the horse. Please share your opinions! My goal is to have a sell-able asset for Turbosquid, etc. The current rig on this is very basic, just the base bones, no IKs or anything like that. I have a lot to learn with rigging and will need a lot of help in that department when I come to it. Next on the to-do list is to get some base colors set up, then rig, then learn how to animate the hair.
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The face/head looks a bit weird. Maybe the eyes should be looking more to the front and less to the sides, but I’m not sure.
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I think you have to work on observation a lot, I can see that it is a horse, but it is looking weird. The eyes, the legs, the chest, the proportions of the back part… and many other things, If you just take the move tool and start looking hard at the references, 10 looks at the references, one move of the mesh.
You can check PixelPete base mesh to see the work of a good observation.