Hot Air Balloon

I spent a lot of time making this balloon and now it is finally done!

I made everything in the picture including the textures and background :yes:
Rendered in Cycles, textures made in Photoshop.

Also I used the balloon in a video!!! In fact, the balloon was created for the video :slight_smile:

Very cool, I liked the video, had me in stitches. The detail in the modeling of your hot air balloons is amazing, and I really like the image. The wicker material looks nice, and generally your eye for detail in the burner is fantastic.

blown me away. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! It means a lot :slight_smile:

Wow! Awesome image :slight_smile: - And the video… Really nice work too. - Made me laugh! :smiley:

Good work. It’s still the basket which I like a lot. And the video was funny. Congratulations.